Positive Impact for Talent Development and the Bottom Line

Struggling to find programs that keep your people engaged and deliver a positive ROI? It’s possible - our clients experience 5X ROI and their people rave about the experience, giving their Ceresa experience an NPS score of 68.

Companies are facing unprecedented people challenges, struggling to keep the talent they’ve worked so hard to find AND spending unprecedented levels of time and resources just on recruiting.  

Clearly, this is a candidate’s market. People are clear on what they want from an employer – career advancement, well-being, flexibility, inclusive workplace….oh and some are demanding more compensation – but the majority want to find their work fulfilling and less burdensome. The great contemplation, as much as the great resignation.

There’s immense pressure on HR leaders to address these challenges… and we know you must stay on budget and provide tangible impact metrics.  You need programs that are guaranteed to:

  1. Make employees feel highly valued and want to stay (plugging that leaky bucket)

  2. Transform your talent’s professional skills and career growth

  3. Deliver a clear and substantial ROI for the company

It’s a lot to achieve, especially given you are the epicenter of responding to the COVID crisis alongside social and racial justice pressures.


Measuring Impact

At Ceresa, we have spent years in research and development, to create a solution that can do this for you in a truly meaningful and scalable way. Ceresa provides a beautiful, personalized learning experience that blends coaching, mentoring, expert training and peer learning… on-demand or with additional live coaching and mentoring. 

We have witnessed first-hand the transformation experienced by our members, and what this does for their growth and career with their company. We track impact through:

  • Member satisfaction and engagement

  • Member progress in leadership competencies and broader well-being

  • Employer impact and ROI

Member Satisfaction and Engagement

Ceresa members love the experience, they find it engaging, easy and deeply transformative. The experience garners industry-leading satisfaction scores, engagement and completion metrics. Members give their Ceresa experience an NPS of 68!

And members love to share what they think about Ceresa with our community managers:

“This is a fantastic experience that was easy to use and actually took out the stress of making goals.”

“Words cannot express how grateful I am… It is amazing to reflect on the person I was and how far I have come in just one year.”​

“This is the best thing I’ve done for my career in a long time”

“Remember when only rich people used to get access to these resources?”

Member Leadership Competencies and Well-Being

Ceresa improves critical leadership skills that directly impact people’s career and effectiveness as a leader – management skills, strategic thinking and ability to deliver feedback. These metrics are gathered with our proprietary 360 survey tool that easily collects deep feedback.

….and Ceresa members experience their own sense of growth:

  • 75% report an increase in confidence

  • 75% report an increase in “aha” moments (i.e. clarity of goals)

  • 67% leading a more balanced lifestyle

Members experience significant improvements in leadership skills

  • 71% improvement in management skills

  • 67% improvement in strategic thinking

  • 67% improvement in ability to deliver feedback

Employer Impact and ROI

HR leaders see significant improvement in three key metrics, as reported by our customers:

  • RETENTION: 77% experience a significant improvement in their retention rates – on average, 23% improvement.

  • PERFORMANCE: 85% see improvements in Member performance – on average, a 33% improvement

  • PROMOTIONS: 85% see an increase in rate of promotions for Members.  On average, 25% of their members experience a faster time to promotion

And when reporting back to broader executive teams, our HR partners can build a compelling business case on investing in Ceresa, with more than 5X ROI on average.

Our customers see Ceresa as a critical, invaluable part of their employee experience. We see very high repeat customer rates, scaling across businesses and we receive rave reviews: 

“Ceresa is a great partner and support in developing our high performers. The blend of coaching, 360, and mentoring has been highly beneficial in our high performers tackling some key areas of growth and showing our commitment to their growth and development. The community and ongoing resources are a huge benefit as well.”

“Big advocate of Ceresa's - I have seen many of the women that went through the program have their confidence lifted and have a sense of community with other people in our company. It is particularly impactful for young leaders.”


Struggling to prove the ROI of your programs? The team at Ceresa would love to help. Let’s talk about what you’re looking for and we’ll help you build the investment case.


ROI Assumptions

Avg value of retention per employee = $3300. Assumes average tenure today 3 years, Salary average $132K, replacement cost 40% (all conservative vs benchmarks), Ceresa average price $1343. ROI (retention only) = 250%

Avg value of performance lift per employee = $4356. Assumes Salary average $132K, increase of 10% productivity per person that sees improvement. ROI (performance only) = 325%

Impact data from customer survey (N=13)


More Impact, Less Spend


Weathering the Talent Storm | A New Horizon of Caring Cultures